all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 5AB 1 1 53.785379 -1.550412
LS11 5AD 1 1 53.792054 -1.544952
LS11 5AE 3 2 53.790256 -1.547769
LS11 5AF 1 1 53.790642 -1.547108
LS11 5AL 6 4 53.765917 -1.552243
LS11 5BB 1 1 53.792696 -1.548406
LS11 5BD 8 8 53.789885 -1.544171
LS11 5BF 41 0 53.759641 -1.561168
LS11 5BJ 2 2 53.792958 -1.542184
LS11 5BQ 1 1 53.79239 -1.550565
LS11 5BW 12 0 53.792989 -1.542574
LS11 5DA 7 2 53.763406 -1.56351
LS11 5DB 1 1 53.792549 -1.549774
LS11 5DD 3 3 53.788672 -1.544841
LS11 5DE 1 1 53.788673 -1.544518
LS11 5DJ 1 1 53.764305 -1.541945
LS11 5DQ 1 1 53.789008 -1.545152
LS11 5DT 8 2 53.778674 -1.541136
LS11 5DU 27 0 53.779389 -1.542479
LS11 5DX 18 0 53.759412 -1.560124